Director - Hannah Coleman
Scenic Design - Bill Wallace
Costume Design-
Helen Maclay
Lighting Design -
Bill Wallace, Nolan Sherburne
Sound Design - Sophie Warrick, Christian Buonfiglio, Nate Walker
Music Composition - Leah Hunter

Media Design & Programming - Jackson Cobb
Assistant Media Design - Ian Olson
Photos - Jackson Cobb, Sophie Warrick

Consisting almost entirely of moments of transition and moments of stagnation, Iphigenia and Other Daughters called for a simple, statement-based design that explored the nature of spaces “in between,” ultimately capturing the space between action and inaction. 

Using textures inspired by the roughness of stone, I created evocative black-and-white compositions that framed the space for each of the play’s three acts. Consistent with the lighting design and the director’s concept, the images remained stagnant for the majority of each act, coming to life only at moments of transition. 

In Iphigenia, projection was used to evoke emotion and establish space, but was never intended to indicate a specific setting. Per the director’s concept, each act took place in its own unnamed liminal space. 


i see you. you're seen.


Jinkies! or The Dog Play